Stijn van Houwelingen he/him@TeaDrinkingProgrammer

A programming student from the Netherlands. Loves music, languages and programming.

Logo by Emily Baucom

Hello there 👋!

I am Stijn A.K.A the TeaDrinkingProgrammer! Welcome to my blog/portfolio website. This website has two parts: a blog and a projects page.

On the blog you are probably going to see posts about one of my main interests: cultures and languages, music and programming. The main content is probably going to be programming related, but some cross-overs are possible. In the programming space, I mainly follow developments in the FOSS space (I am writing this on Zettlr and Fedora Linux) and I sometimes play around with new technologies that interest me, like Rust or Svelte.

On the projects page, you can see some of the projects I have made!

This website is made with Zola, Rust and the Selene theme. You can read more about how I made this website on the blog-post.

If you want, you can subscribe using RSS or email.